What Is a Detached Retina?

It is when the retina is detached from the back of the eye, like pulling wallpaper off the wall. This causes a sudden, closing curtain appearance because the retina is no longer working. You need to call our office when you notice this so Dr. Tieu can check it promptly. Urgent procedures or surgery are often required to prevent permanent vision loss.

How Do You Get a Detached Retina?

Over your lifetime, the gel (called vitreous) inside your eyeball starts to liquify into water. This gel normally attaches to the retina but as it shrinks in volume, it can pull off the retina and tear it. Water inside the eye can pass through the tear and lift (or detach) the retina off the back wall.

Am I at risk for Retinal Detachment?

Risks for retinal detachment include :

  • Being very near-sighted (requiring glasses to see far away)
  • Previous eye surgery, for example cataract and glaucoma surgery
  • Previous trauma to the eye
  • Previous retinal tear or detachment in your other eye
  • A family history of retinal detachment
  • Weak areas in your retina (call lattice degeneration)

How do I know if I have a retinal detachment?

Call our office immediately if you have any of these symptoms:

  • A sudden onset of flashing lights in your eye. Some people say this is like seeing stars after being hit in the eye.
  • You suddenly see lots of new floaters. These can look like specks, dots, lines or cobwebs in your field of vision.
  • A shadow appearing in your peripheral (side) vision.
  • A gray curtain covering part of your field of vision.

Treatment of Retinal Detachments

Dr. Tieu will examine and determine the best treatment based on your eye’s condition and your needs. The final decision will be based on an informed collaborative discussion with you. Treatment options often include a laser or cryo (freezing) procedure (in the office or operating room) or surgery to fix the problem. Sometimes multiple treatments are needed. The results of the treatment will depend on the extent of the detachment, your overall eye health and other medical conditions.