Sometimes cataract surgery can become complicated and not all of the cataract can be safely removed or an intraocular lens could not be placed. If the residual cataract fragments are large or cause increased inflammation and eye pressure, additional retinal surgery may be needed urgently to remove the fragments. Additionally, when there is no standard support for an intraocular lens, sutures can be used to tie an intraocular lens to the sclera, the white part of the eye, or the iris. This is called a suture-in intraocular lens procedure. Moreover, with certain intraocular lenses, the "legs" of the lens can be externalized through the sclera to hold the lens in place. This is called scleral fixation of an intraocular lens without the need for sutures. Dr. Tieu specializes in helping patients after complicated cataract surgery and is able to perform all varieties of intraocular lens placement.